Bonus Time In The Classroom & On Wall Street

Wall Street bonuses rose slightly last year to an average of $172,860. That is a small 2% jump from 2013 and the highest payout since the financial crisis. This is according to the New York State Comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli.

In school, my son also gets his share of bonuses, but these are on his homework and exams. Bonus words on his spelling test or bonus questions on his math homework. He looks forward to these extra challenges knowing that if he does well he will ultimately get better grades.

School bonuses may not lead to the purchase of luxury sports cars and huge homes as those on Wall Street are known to do. But, these types of bonuses give our kids the little push they need to be high achievers.

Ask my son what kind of car he wants to buy with his first job and he will tell you a Ferrari! Keep up the bonuses in school, kid, and those bonuses may lead to the type that will allow you to afford that Ferrari one day.